


Vekil Her şeye vekil Al-Wakil The Trustee. He who manages the affairs of those who duly commit them to His charge, and who looks after them better than they could themselves. |
Kaviyy Pek güçlü Al-Qawi The Possessor of All Strength. TheMost Strong |
Metin Çok sağlam Al-Matin The Firm. He who is very Steadfast. |
Veliyy Mü'minlere dost Al-Wáli The Protecting Friend. He who is a friend to His good servants. |




Hamid Hamd edilen Al-Hamid The Praised One. He to whom all praise belongs, and who alone is lauded by the tongues of all creation. |
Muhsi İlmi her şeyi kuşatan Al-Muhsi The Appraiser. He who knows the number of every single thing in existence, even to infinity. |
Mubdi Maddesiz ve örneksiz yaratıcı Al-Mubdi The Originator. He who creates all creating ab initio without matter or model. |
Muid Öldürücü ve diriltici Al-Mu'id The Restorer. He who recreates His creatures after He has annihilated them. |




Muhyi Hayat verici Al-Muhyi The Giver of Life. He who confers life, gives vitality, revives. |
Mümit Hayat kaldırıcı Al-Mumit The Taker of Life. He who creates the death of a living creature. |
Hayy Başsız ve sonsuz diri Al-Hayy The Ever Living One. The living whoknows all things and whose strength is sufficient for everything. |
Kayyum Her şey onunla kaim Al-Qayyum The Self Existing One. He who maintains the heavens, the earth, and everything that exists. |




Vacid Zengin ve ihtiyaçsız Al-Wajid The Finder. He who finds what He wishes when He wishes. |
Macid Azamet ve şerfle vasıflı Al-Májid The Glorious. He whose dignity and glory are most great, and whoseenerosity and munificence are bountiful. |
Vahid Tek ve eşsiz Al-Wahid The Unique. He who is Single, absolutely without partner or equal in His Essence, Attributes, ctions, Names and Decrees. |
Samed Muhtaç olunan ihtiyaçsız As-Samad The Eternal. He who is the only recourse for the ending of need and the removal of affliction. |




Kadir İstediğini istediği gibi yapamaya gücü yeten Al-Qadir The All Powerful. He who is Able to do what He wills as He wills. |
Muktedir Kudret sahiplaeri üzerinde istediği gibi tasarruf eden Al-Muqtadir The Creator of All Power. He who disposes at His will even of the strongest and mightiest of His creatures. |
Mukaddim İstediğini öne alıcı Al-Muqaddim The Expediter. He who brings forward whatever He wills. |
Muaahhir İstediğini sona erteleyici Al-Mu'akhkhir The Delayer. He who sets back or delays whatever He wills. |




Evvel Varlığının başı olmayan Al-Awwal The First. |
Ahir Varlığının Sonu Olmayan Al-Akhir The Last |
Zahir Görünen Az-Zahir The Manifest One. He who is Evident. |
Batin Gizli Al-Batin The Hidden One. He who is hidden, concealed. |




Vali Her işi yürüten Al-Walí The Protecting Friend. He who administers this vast universe and all its passing phenomena. |
Ber Kullarına ihtiyaçlarına veren Al-Barr Source of all Goodness. He who treats His servants tolerantly, and whose goodness and kindness are very great indeed |
Müta'ali Zatiyle en yüksek Al-Muta'ali The Supreme One. He is Exalted in every respect, far beyond anything the mind could possibly attribute to His creatures. |
Tevvab Tövbeleri kabul eden At-Tawwib The Acceptor to Repentance. He who is ever ready to accept repentance and to forgive sins |




Müntakim Suçların karşılığını veren Al-Muntaqim The Avenger. He who ustly inflicts upon wrongdoers the punishment they deserve. |
Afüvv Bağışlayan Al-Afu The Pardoner. He who pardons all who sincerely repent. |
Rauf Çok acıyıcı Ar-Ra'uf The Kind. He who is very Compassionate. |
Malikül Mülkü Mülkün ebedi sahibi Malik al-Mulk The Owner of All. |




Zü'l - Celali Ve'l - İkram Şerev ve ikram sahibi Dhul-Jalali Wal-Ikram The Lord of Majesty and Bounty. He who possesses both greatness and gracious magnanimity. |
Muksit Adalet gösterici Al-Muqsit The Equitable One. He who does everything with proper balance and harmony. |
Cami İstediğini istediği zaman istediği yerde toplayan Al-Jami The Gatherer. He who brings together what He wills, when He wills, where He wills |
Ganiy Çok zengin, her şeyden müstağni Al-Ghani The Rich One. He who is infinitely Rich and completely independent |




Muğni İstediğini zengin eden Al-Mughni The Enricher. He who enriches whom He will |
Mani Dilediğini engelleyen Al-Mani' The Preventer of Harm |
Darr Dilediğine bela verici Ad-Darr The Creator of The Harmful. He who creates things that cause pain and injury. |
Nafi Dilediğine faydalı şeyler yaratan An-Nafi The Creator of Good. He who creates things that yield advantages and benefit. |




Nur Alemleri nurlandıran, aydınlatan An-Nur The Light. He who gives light to all the worlds, who illuminates the faces, minds and hearts of His servants. |
Hadi Hak yolu, doğru yolu gösterici Al-Hadi The Guide. He who provides guidance. |
Bedi Örneksiz, misalsiz alemler icad edenAl-Badi The Originator. He who is without model or match, and who brings into being worlds of amazing wonder. |
Baki Varlığının sonu olmayan Al-Baqi The Everlasting One. He whose |



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Varis Bütün servetlerin gerçek sahibi Al-Warith The Inheritor of All. He who is the Real Owner of all riches |
Reşid Hayra delalet eden Ar-Rashid The Righteous teacher. He who moves all things in accordance with His eternal plan, bringing them without error and with order and wisdom to their ultimate destiny. |
Sabur Çok sabırlı As-Sabur The Patient One. He who is characterized by infinite patience. |